About Kathleen
Kathleen Kaczmarek is a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her heart is to expose the deception that legalism is and to help bring freedom to the body of Christ in that area. Kathleen also deeply desires for God's people to know that God is willing and able to deliver them from the deepest despair if only they will place their trust in Him.
Kathleen is the author of The Law of Redemption: What Must One Do to Go to Heaven? Throughout the pages of her book, Kathleen candidly shared her testimony of how she fell into legalism, her struggles, her confusion, and revelations the Lord gave her to contribute to her deliverance. Even after releasing The Law of Redemption, Kathleen experienced severe relapses which indicated that further liberating work was needed in her life. The book is no longer on the market but Kathleen is working on her sophomore, a memoir. Through this book, her goal is to expose legalism (the religion of dead works), teach faith through love, and present the freeing truth of the grace of God as both the unmerited favor of God and the power of God to live holy. What’s more, the purpose of her memoir is to share the depth of the darkness she found herself in so that others can be encouraged and find hope that freedom is possible for them as well.
Kathleen is a 1999 graduate of the University of Laval, Québec, Canada, in Actuarial Sciences. She became a Christian in 2001 and, shortly after, received a call from God to preach the Gospel. Kathleen is an ordained minister since 2019 under the covering of the Independent Assemblies of God International (Canada), a fellowship of Christian ministers and churches. Kathleen accepts speaking engagements.
Kathleen has been happily married to Paul Kaczmarek since August 9, 2003, and has two handsome sons, Aaron and Jonathan.
About Paul
Paul Kaczmarek Who is he? He is a man tired of dead religion that offers no life or hope or peace or joy or heaven. Paul is a lover of his wonderful Jesus, with a heart that aches with desperate hunger for a daily, intimate walk with Jesus, with bursting desire to know the Lord in a greater and fierier passionate way and to pass this passion on to others. Paul's great desire is for this thirst for His great friend Jesus to explode from every cell of His being so as to impact this fallen world on behalf of the awesome God he has been getting to know by the power and person of the Holy Spirit in his daily walk. Paul longs to be daily overflowing with the presence and power, the love and compassion, of almighty God, and to be contagiously impacted by the presence of God so as to see others become ablaze for His soon coming Savior. Paul longs to see people free from religious bondage that has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof, to see those blinded by religion come into a relationship with the Lord who so longs for all to know Him in the person of Jesus the Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Paul believes in the power of the Gospel to save, baptize in power, heal, deliver, set free and yes, even to raise the dead. Paul believes in the power of the Gospel to save from the gutter most to the uttermost and that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. What Jesus did in Bible days He will do today and tomorrow; we need only believe, and the moment we believe, "It is finished"!
Paul's greatest thrill is sharing Jesus everywhere he goes; behind pulpits, on street corners, on sidewalks, parks, stores, businesses, everywhere there are people who have ears to hear the Good News of Jesus the Christ.
Paul has been an ordained minister of the Gospel since 2019 under the covering of the Independent Assemblies of God International (Canada), a fellowship of Christian ministers and churches. Paul is also a singer, songwriter, and musician who loves to sing to and for Jesus. Paul accepts speaking engagements.
Paul married Kathleen in 2003 and together they have two wonderful sons: Aaron and Jonathan.